Posts (continued)
- If you put the textbook under your pillow at night, so that the material gets into your brain …
- Learning foreign languages: Watching foreign language films
- Learning from a neurobiological perspective
- Last Minute Learning
- Learning by heart with goofing off
- Learning foreign languages: Just sing along
- Learning languages: Getting sprinkled in
- How a good support in the preparation for exams on the part of parents can succeed
- Learning strategies for learning-intensive subjects
- Learning technique and personality
- How can you recognize exam anxiety in children?
- How can you recognize good readers?
- How can you strengthen your own self-esteem?
- How can parents get children excited about learning?
- Learning tip for math: Calculate aloud
- Learning tip for mathematics: Calculate backwards
- Learning tip for mathematics: More mental arithmetic
- Learning tip for mathematics: Simply estimate for the first time
- Learning tips from the web
- Learning while walking
- Learning with the computer
- Let your child create worksheets
- Learning strategy: Flashcards
- How is learning fun?
- Let your child learn 4x short rather than 1x long
- How language learning can succeed
- Lifelong learnin
- Learning technique: Learning with all senses
- Loci Method
- How the family interacts
- How to maintain concentration over time
- How to plan your exam period
- How to positively influence your child's motivation and emotions
- How vocabulary learning works
- Imperfectionism in learning
- Learning atmosphere
- Learning from mistakes
- Learning from mistakes
- Learning in your sleep?
- Learning support & learning coaching
- Learning support instead of tutoring
- Learning tip: ABC list
- Learning tip: Global Picture
- Learning tip: Learn with structure
- Learning tip: Preparation is everything
- Learning tips to learn a language that can be applied to any language
- Learning types
- Learning used to be different
- Learning vocabulary: these are the mistakes you should avoid
- Lesson protocols at school
- Lofi music while studying?
- Make sure there are enough breaks
- Management for school?
- Many students watch video lectures at increased playback speed.
- Meditation: Deep relaxation
- Mini relaxation exercises
- Montessori education in the design of the children's room
- Must learning be fun?
- Non vitae, sed scholae discimus!
- Pack the material in lumps!
- Paper ball method
- Personal interest as the basis for learning
- Photoreading
- Positive thinking in the New Year begins with good questions
- Misconception of the different functions of the two hemispheres of the brain
- The learning machine
- The learning methods for adults
- Making the most of the highs and lows of the day
- Mistakes you can make when preparing for the exam
- Motivation promotes learning success
- Nutrition at home
- Preparation for learning
- Questions as memory training
- Reading and spelling difficulties and dyslexia
- Running After Vocabulary!
- Send the learning material on its way ...
- Relaxation Exercise: The Imaginary Staircase
- Marking and excerpting
- Memorization is a hindrance to learning in college
- Nutrition at school
- Oversupply stifles the joy of learning
- Passive Audio Learning
- Passive learning
- Pay attention to stress and emotions when learning
- Paying attention to your biorhythm when learning
- Promote independence
- Provide for rest
- Reading gives pleasure
- Recognising the pace of learning
- Reduce exam anxiety in children
- Socialization
- Some useful tricks to make studying easier
- Speed reading
- Study regularly
- Studying at home
- Systems and formats of notes in the classroom
- Tables up to ten
- The 3 levels of attention
- Short breathing meditation
- Studying in old age trains the brain