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State of the day – Daily constitution

    Learning is always an individual thing. And since you are not a machine, there will be days when learning is more difficult than usual and you have the feeling that you just can’t remember anything. The key here is to find a middle ground: Don’t give up right away! You can do more than you think. But if you find that you really can’t do it at all, don’t torture yourself, because that is also counterproductive. It’s perfectly OK to have a bad day sometimes. And sometimes there’s so much homework, studying for another subject or an important exam that vocabulary learning can’t be the top priority. That’s not a problem either. If you study constantly and regularly, it’s not a problem to take a day off.

    The Pomodoro technique also alternates between study sessions and breaks. . The division of the tasks into small steps should make it easier for you to master the tasks and increase your motivation. For vocabulary learning to work in general, the following applies: Vocabulary learning must be a constant. You should repeat vocabulary every day or at least every other day so that you can integrate it into your vocabulary permanently. What you have missed for months cannot be made up for the night before the exam.