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When should you take a break from studying?

    In addition to sleep at night, the human body also needs breaks throughout the day to regain its strength. This is particularly important during learning, as the brain becomes less and less efficient under constant stress. How often should you take a break while learning? Signals that the body needs a break can be:

    • the desire to stretch and relax the muscles.
    • yawning or sighing
    • an appetite for a snack or something to drink
    • the need to go to the bathroom
    • Wandering off of one’s thoughts.

    If these cues are not heeded, the body releases certain substances that allow it to continue working for a short time without a break. However, the consequence of this is stress, which is accompanied by a reduction in physical and mental performance.

    The duration of the break is also important, because if it is too short, you are not recovered afterwards, but if it is too long, you are out of the learning rhythm after the break and have no real desire to continue working. It is not very useful to give concrete information about the length of breaks, because this depends on many different factors – the best thing to do is to observe yourself closely and pay attention to the signals that your body sends you when it is ready to continue, i.e. observe the corresponding signals from your body so that an individual rhythm of work and breaks settles in.

    Extra tip: During the breaks one should renounce further head work, thus newspaper reading, computer games of the television are not suitable. It makes sense to do all activities that involve physical movement, such as taking a short walk, airing the office and doing some gymnastic exercises.