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Tips to optimise learning

    In addition to concrete learning methods, there are other tips that may make learning easier for you:

    • Workplace: Organise a tidy workplace where you can concentrate and not be distracted. Put your mobile phone in another room while you are studying so that you are not constantly checking new messages. If it is not possible to work in peace at home, plan a study day in the library. This is beneficial if you tend to put off studying at home and are constantly finding new tasks to do instead.
    • Exercise: Often when you are studying, you are overcome with tiredness, which you try to counteract with caffeine. However, this is not the best solution because the effect wears off quickly and many caffeinated drinks, such as cola or energy drinks, are not really beneficial to your health. Try exercise instead. A 10-minute workout or a walk in the fresh air will get your circulation going. But exercise can also work wonders as a counterbalance to mental work.
    • Nutrition: Although you should refrain from excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks, there are still healthy foods that have a positive effect on your ability to concentrate. These include, for example, green tea and matcha tea as drinks. Various superfoods can serve as snacks in between meals. In general, there is nothing wrong with eating a healthy diet while studying and avoiding fast food and alcohol.
    • Breaks: Remember that breaks between learning units are necessary and sensible in order to be able to work more efficiently and with greater concentration. For example, the Techniker Krankenkasse recommends taking a 5-minute break after every hour of work.
    • Organisation: The most difficult thing about learning is often to jump over one’s shadow and actually start. Plan enough time to study if you want to proceed calmly and with as little stress as possible. If you start too late, you may become overwhelmed and panic, which in turn inhibits the learning process. To avoid this, you can draw up a learning plan, for example in the form of a to-do list, and work through it bit by bit.
    • Motivation: Visualise your learning successes to stay motivated. For example, as already mentioned, work with a to-do list or adopt the Kanban method to visualise tasks and completions. Reward yourself after successfully passing exams with a nice meal, a day off or something you enjoy.