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The mid-year report

    Even with mid-year reports, many students are plagued by a guilty conscience and the fear that their parents might be disappointed or even punish them. Even if you as a parent are disappointed in your child’s performance, it’s best not to let on, because often the child is disappointed in itself when it sees that it has done poorly. If parents only reward good grades, they convey to their child that it will only receive attention if its performance is good, which creates particular pressure in children. The mid-year grades on the report card are probably not a big surprise for the child, because he or she knows how he or she did in papers and exams, but the disappointment can still be great to see the grades now written in black and white on the report card. Parents should give the child time to think about it and to allow for feelings, including disappointment in the case of poorer grades. After a few days, parents can discuss with their child how the learning situation can be improved in the future. Every mid-year report is a conclusion, but an end is always followed by a new beginning, so parents should look positively to the future and encourage their child to do the same. There are more months until the end of the school year to catch up on material and learn many new things. Learning should always take place in an atmosphere where both parents and children feel comfortable, so you should plan together how to improve the learning situation. You should look together for ways to make learning more routine, more effective, and in the end, easier when it comes to mid-year reports.