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Sport as a balance

    Sport is important. Promoting exercise at an early age is even more so. Start encouraging your children to play sports as early as possible. A child’s development depends heavily on movement training. Too many children now have problems with motor skills thanks to a lack of movement. Feel free to test this out with your child:

    • Does he have trouble walking backwards?
    • Does he catch a ball skillfully?
    • Does he fall over easily when balancing?
    • Is he or she wobbly on the bike?

    If one of the problems mentioned above applies, your child will automatically have problems with learning.

    Why? The control of the movements takes over the cerebral cortex, which is decisively responsible for thinking and learning Therefore, it is clear. If movement is uncertain, learning is also uncertain. In other words, the more children move, the better they learn. Everything in motion, everything in flow! Only those who can move safely, who can automatically distinguish right and left, up and down, front and back, will be able to grasp contexts in math and German, for example, safely and quickly. It is really frightening. Instead of spending their free time doing sports, too many children nowadays simply hang around in front of game consoles, the TV or the PC. This way, they don’t learn to climb, hop and jump. But all of this is important to perfectly “connect” the different lines of the brain. Thus they lack the sporty compensation.

    You don’t do your children any favors if you don’t encourage them. They will be noticed at the latest in the sports lessons if they move clumsily and awkwardly. That this can also be embarrassing is clear. Not to mention, these kids are also more prone to accidents because they simply have poorer reactions. Of course, not all exercise is the same. If you have a climbing max at home, it does not mean that he has mastered fine motor skills. So please also make sure that in the fine is well trained. So all movements should be learned. Learning to catch balls, playing badminton, all of these also promote fine motor skills as it requires a lot of arm and hand use. These are easy and fun ways to train! Just go outside with your child, take a ball with you, practice as often as you can and as long as it’s fun. Again, of course, do this entirely without pressure. Simply challenge your child to a ball catching duel or: who wins the badminton game? So again, be a role model. Walk a lot. Don’t drive the car all the way to the bakery, walk. In wind and weather, absolutely no matter! Take your child with you, make sure he or she gets some exercise! You can also train the fine motor skills mentioned in the kitchen. Let your child help peel potatoes. Cut vegetables. This encourages cooperation at the same time. All of these are ways to get your child more mobile without much effort.

    Financial constraints are no excuse either. You have a kitchen anyway. A meadow, a park, is practically everywhere. Take advantage of every opportunity to encourage your child to get plenty of exercise early on. Grab a ball or badminton racket and get out there. By the time it hits puberty, it will be too late. Then the inner pig dog wins and you have couch potatoes sitting at home. Who wants that. But if your child gets used to a lot of exercise early on, he or she won’t want to miss it later in life, because he or she will simply get bored. And that’s exactly how it should be. What it learns early, it learns like almost everything for the whole life.