Opening a book, reading through the vocabulary until something somehow sticks in your mind and hoping that it will be enough for the exam the next day – these are the mistakes you should avoid when learning vocabulary. Because even if it’s a nuisance, vocabulary training should always be geared towards the long term. Bulimic learning is a frequently used method when it comes to learning vocabulary. But since you don’t only need vocabulary for an exam, you should focus your memorisation so that you don’t forget it immediately. This will also make it easier for you to repeat the words. Even if it sounds more time-consuming at first, the right learning method will save you time and nerves and help you improve your language skills in the long term.
What mistakes you should avoid:
- learning by heart indiscriminately
- trying to cram everything into your head the night before you go to work
- learning without time management
- Memorising on the fly
- learning vocabulary without a system
Sometimes it is also due to your concentration that you have problems learning vocabulary. Specific exercises can help here, with which you can improve your concentration. concentration.