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Learning methods

    Learning accompanies us over a relatively long period of time. Starting in school, this is usually followed by training or studies, where learning takes on a central role. But even beyond education, there are many situations in life where you have to learn something new. The following methods can be suitable for this:

    • Writing down: A good method is to write things down. By reading important information first and then writing it down or going through assignments in writing, you automatically deal with the content. However, depending on the amount of material, this can be a painful task for your hand. If necessary, you can vary between handwritten and typed material and give your writing hand enough time to rest.
    • Summaries: Writing also involves creating summaries or individual flashcards on which you succinctly summarise the most important information. Try to work with short, meaningful key words. The key points should only serve as a memory aid and should not contain unnecessary details. Repeat your summaries regularly so that the material is remembered as well as possible and you do not forget it again.
    • Work visually: You may also find it helpful to work visually. For example, create mind maps on a topic. Use different colours and shapes. A small sketch can also be useful at this point.
    • Speaking: Although it may seem ridiculous, dare to speak out the learning content, even if you are alone. For example, try to give an impromptu talk on a topic using your flashcards and a keyword, without cheating on your notes. This way you can check how much you already know about a topic and how fluently you could respond to open questions.
    • Study groups: After you have acquired knowledge about a subject or topic, you can ask classmates or fellow students if they would like to study together with you. This way you can deepen your knowledge by asking each other questions. But even if you get stuck at some points, your learning partner can help you further. In return, you can also help them with explanations in case of difficulties, which in turn consolidates what you have learned.