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Learning aids – how to learn better

    Sprache lernen im Vorübergehen! Lernposter

    The term learning aids covers everything that helps the learner to understand and practice learning content. In the following some learning aids are presented.

    Flashcards are particularly suitable for learning a foreign language. The vocabulary is written down on the cards – on one side in German, on the other in the foreign language. The learner then takes a card from the box and tries to translate the term. If the correct vocabulary comes to mind, the learner marks the card with a check mark; if a card has been marked three times, it can be sorted out for the time being. Such index cards and boxes can be purchased in stores; however, it is advisable to enter the learning words oneself, since this already achieves a learning effect. If you want to save money, you can also use simple paper cut to the appropriate size instead of index cards.

    Extensive supplementary material exists for almost all subjects, most of which is published by the textbook publishers. When making a selection, care should be taken to ensure that it is not simply additional exercises, but that learning tips are also given. You can also find them on the Internet, for example by entering the grade and school level, the state and the subject in a search engine.

    Learning aids also include encyclopedias and dictionaries as well as compendiums that explain the subject matter of a subject. Learning boxes can also be purchased or created, which function similarly to the index card principle.

    Whether it’s math trainers, spelling and grammar exercises, subject knowledge or vocabulary improvement – the range of learning games and interactive CD-ROMs has increased significantly in recent years. In addition, numerous Internet portals offer learning aids, but this usually requires a paid membership. It is advisable to take advantage of the free trial period, which is usually also offered, to check whether this really leads to learning success.