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Find your motivation

    It is often the biggest problem that keeps us from learning: the lack of motivation. Because, of course, there are dozens of things you would much rather be doing. Motivating yourself is therefore actually the most difficult task when it comes to learning. But motivation is important because it makes the learning process much easier. And it helps you to remember things more easily than if you stare at your books in a disgruntled mood.

    But how can you motivate yourself if you don’t really feel like it or if the subject doesn’t suit you? Unfortunately, there is no general answer. Because motivation is also something very individual. Therefore, the same applies here: Just try out different things. These could be, for example:

    Write yourself a to-do list. It not only gives you an overview, but also shows you what you have achieved with every item you can cross off.
    Learn step by step. It’s no use trying to hammer everything into your head straight away. Instead, work your way from subtask to subtask by dividing a topic into several steps.
    Reward yourself for completed tasks and find something your brain associates with positive feelings, such as listening to music, eating something sweet or taking the dog for a walk. This kind of positive conditioning will make you associate learning with pleasant things.
    Set a fixed time for yourself. Learning doesn’t mean sitting in your room for five hours trying to memorise everything. Instead, set a specific start and end point. This is much more motivating than open-ended learning.