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Design breaks

    Sprache lernen im Vorübergehen! Lernposter

    No matter what age, learning is important. However, learning breaks are just as important. Please make sure that your child gets these breaks. The body needs small breaks throughout the day to recharge its batteries. This is especially true when learning. Learning breaks at regular intervals enable your child to continue learning freshly and, above all, rested.

    When and how often should your child take a break?

    Pay attention to the signals that your child clearly sends out:

    • It has a desire to stretch and relax its muscles.
    • He sighs to himself.
    • Concentration wanes, your child begins to digress and become distracted.

    As a parent, please don’t ignore these cues and then spur them on to continue as well. Because, if you ignore these cues, the child’s body will automatically release neurotransmitters that will encourage them to continue, but, the stress and pressure will now set in very quickly. Consequently: little is gained, as the brain is simply no longer properly receptive.

    Of course, the duration of the break is also crucial. If it is too short, your head and body are not really recovered. If it’s too long, however, your child will get out of rhythm and have to start completely over.

    This is the recommended division: After about 30 min, take a break for 5 minutes. And again after approx. 30 min. According to the classic school break system, it is then recommended to take a break of approx. 15 min. after approx. one and a half to two hours. If your child does not feel like taking breaks in between, then please take a rest break of at least 1 hour after 3 hours at the latest. The organization of the break is of course the most important thing. Absolutely taboo is television, please also no PC games or at all occupation with electronic media. This is not recommended in order to annoy or annoy the child, but because it has been proven that real relaxation is completely absent, the mind remains fully on the go. Therefore, real switching off is announced.

    The following activities are useful for breaks:

    Physical exercise: Get up, stretch properly, quietly also short gymnastic exercises, walk through the room and so on. During the longer break, get out into the air, possibly just go for a short walk, or just go for a casual jog, just go after whatever your child feels most like.
    It is generally important to get fresh air. Even during short breaks, at least air out the room, breathing deeply at the open window does wonders and clears the mind for new and effective work.
    Short conversations: Talk to your child about how he or she is feeling, how he or she is progressing. Listen! That way, he or she can let off steam and relieve the pressure in his or her mind. Afterwards, he or she will get back to work with renewed energy.

    So also support your child with motivation and support. If you provide breaks or encourage your child to take them, he or she will always have enough power to continue and thus really learn a lot and, above all, effectively. That is what counts in the end. After all, learning with joy is the goal.