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    Bullying is and unfortunately remains an issue, especially at school. At any age, it can happen that your child suddenly becomes an outsider. Be it because he or she is particularly smart. Or it is a bit stronger than the others. There are many reasons why children are suddenly bullied, to list them all would go beyond the scope.

    We have put together some tips to help you deal with this issue and react correctly. First of all, it is important to recognize the signs, because children usually do not tell that they are being bullied. They are simply embarrassed. The following behaviors are considered signs:

    • The child is reluctant to go to school at all
    • It is often sick and generally very listless
    • Does not even want to go out in the afternoon
    • in general, the mood is always very gloomy.

    If you notice this, talk to your child calmly. Ask them if there are any problems. Most of the time, the children will start to push around. But please remain persistent. Explain to your child that no matter what, he or she can count on your help. Simply ask your child if there are any problems with other students. Most of the time, children are happy to vent.

    If it is clear that your child is being bullied, do not make the following mistakes:

    • Do not address the child or children who are bullying your child. This will only make things worse. Your child will then become a target all the more.
    • Do not play down the bullying, according to the motto: “It’s not so bad, these kids are just stupid. This will not help your child at all.

    Instead, ask specifically what the child or children are doing. Are they just being mean with words, or even with actions? Encourage your child to look for helpers. He or she may not be the only target, but several children in a class are suffering at the hands of one of these “heroes.” Then encourage your child to join forces with the other children. Together you are always stronger.

    Above all, it is important that you work on your child’s self-confidence. He or she must not feel permanently inferior, otherwise he or she will suffer teasing and attacks throughout his or her life. So encourage your child as often as possible in his strengths and great qualities. Tell him what is great about him. This will make your child strong. And if a child has a strong sense of self-worth, he or she will rarely be the target of attacks.

    So, but what to do if it is really acute? As I said, consider who your child might associate with. If the bullying is really too severe, then of course contact the parents of the attacking child, or if they are intransigent, then please contact the teacher or the principal’s office. Under no circumstances is it acceptable that, for example, physical violence is tolerated in schools. Ask or your child (which is better) also in the school whether there are groups or arbitrators for bullying. Many of the larger schools have specially trained students or even teachers who work with the children to prevent bullying.

    Show your child that help is available, so that he/she realizes that he/she does not have to accept anything that harms him/her. Many do not know this, feel alone and are thus all the more vulnerable. But if your child realizes that there are some ways to stop bullying, he or she will automatically feel safer and thus greatly reduce his or her attack surface. You radiate what you feel, always remember that. So also in such a way already much is helped.

    Conclusion: Bullying is serious and must be stopped. Otherwise your child will be weakened in his whole mental development, will be fearful and will become a victim many times in his life. Therefore, take countermeasures at an early stage, work together with the child in the form of self-esteem strengthening, seek help if necessary and above all: listen to your child, so they always know early on about problems that arise and can help to protect your child from harm as early as possible.