Learning strategies are an important way to process and retain information. There are many different methods a person can use to learn effectively. Some of the most common methods are flashcards, mind maps, note taking, and repeated reading. However, not all methods are equally effective or successful.
One of the best ways to remember events clearly and sustainably is considered “Active Recall”. That is, one actively repeats. There are several ways to accomplish this. These include discussing, answering questions, writing things down, or creating mind maps. The important thing here is to answer or write down everything using only your own memory.
So you have to try to write down, for example, everything that comes to mind about a particular question. Incorrect or incomplete information is then added or corrected. Through active learning, information is stored in memory for the long term.
Another technique that can be combined with this is called “Spaced Repetition“. This involves learning information at an ever-increasing interval. This is especially effective for things that need to be remembered for a long time, such as vocabulary. An example of this way of learning is Leitner’s method. It was developed by Sebastian Leitner. His research project investigated how long humans could retain information. He noticed that after a certain time some information remained in the memory.
To use his method, index cards and three boxes are good. One starts in the first box. These cards are studied every day. All correctly answered flashcards go into box two. There you repeat them only every second day. If you answer the flashcards from box two correctly again, they go to box three. There in box three they are repeated only every fifth day. If you answer an index card incorrectly, you put it back one box.´