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Three Good Things a Day

    Sprache lernen im Vorübergehen! Lernposter

    The ritual of “Three Good Things a Day” is one of the best-known gratitude rituals, and its positive effect for mental health and strength in crises has been proven in many studies. Psychologist Barbara Fredrickson found that you need to consciously notice three positive feeling impulses to balance the effect of one negative feeling impulse. This means for everyday life: Especially in times of crisis, one should allow oneself to experience many beautiful moments, because this makes us inwardly strong and level-headed, and this is exactly what is needed on a personal level. But a society in times of crisis also benefits if as many people as possible act level-headedly and creatively instead of narrow-mindedly and fearfully.
    The point here is not to suppress negative feelings. On the contrary, because even worries, fears or anger should be consciously perceived, because repressing these emotions only costs strength. It is much more about not getting tangled in negative spirals, but accepting the negative feelings for what they want to be: Warners. But when they have delivered their message, you can let them go.
    Therefore one should provide actively for more good moments in the day, by resolving for today approximately to do some things, which cause joy. Maybe a real lunch break instead of the quick sandwich at the computer, maybe a good movie in the evening.