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Exam nerves, procrastination and pressure to perform

    Sprache lernen im Vorübergehen! Lernposter

    Exam nerves, procrastination and pressure to perform are issues that cause many students considerable suffering and take away their enjoyment of studying. Worse still, fears and blocks often prevent students from realizing their potential and studying successfully. On our learning tips pages, we provide a methodologically broad overview of how these problems can be professionally countered. We present numerous methods with which students can work directly on improving their situation in a self-help manner.

    All of these learning tips are based on a scientifically founded and long-time practice-proven examination and work management. This collection of learning tips shows the connections between emotion, motivation and pedagogy and deals with psychological aspects as well as learning techniques in a differentiated way. These tips thus enable teachers at schools and universities, (study) counselors, coaches, psychotherapists and social workers to be effective in all these areas.

    Learning tips for studying!